How Do You Uncover a Candidate’s Work Ethic?

Work ethic has always been a key factor in determining how someone will perform when on the job. But how do we measure something as ethereal as work ethic? First, we must define what work ethic is and what it means in our environment. Then we can narrow down ways to determine work ethic based… Read more »

5 Ways to Empower Your Employees

Delegation is an integral part of management. But simply doling out tasks isn’t always the best way to encourage engagement. You want your team to be independent and make good decisions, so you have to empower them to take ownership of their work. Here are some suggestions to get you started. Pair Tasks with Goals… Read more »

Create a Candidate Experience to Sell Your Company to Recent Graduates

It’s graduation time, which means new job seekers will enter the job market. Is your company ready to hire recent graduates? It’s a candidate’s market, so it’s essential that you know what you’re selling. Here is the right way to position the company to appeal to the influx of new grads looking at your entry-level… Read more »

How to Manage an Underperforming Employee

Managing underperforming employees can feel like fighting an uphill battle. If the employee isn’t taking direction well and you’re unable to commit to the time it takes to help them improve, you might think that it’s easier to start from scratch. But you hired them for a reason, and there is always an opportunity to… Read more »

How Can We Close the Gender Gap in The Workplace?

The pandemic put a lot of things into focus. As lives were upended and work and school transitioned into the home, women were again at the forefront of these massive changes. Many faced a need to completely reposition themselves, often leaving the workplace to become full-time caregivers. But the gender gap and gender inequality have… Read more »

Strategies to Help You Defeat Distraction

Distraction is a significant factor in the modern workplace. With so much available to pull our attention away from the tasks at hand, it can be hard to focus. But what can you do to defeat distraction in your workday? Here are a few ways to avoid letting your mind jump from one thing to… Read more »

Anxiety in the Workplace: How You Can Help Your Employees

Anxiety has reached new highs in our post-pandemic world. The last two years have been complicated, messy, and challenging, and many of us found heightened anxiety to be a significant symptom. Your employees are experiencing anxious thoughts about several things regarding work and life in general. Understanding anxiety and providing reasonable accommodations for employees dealing… Read more »

Creating Competitive Job Offers in Tech

hiring in tech - IT staffing agencies

In the wake of The Great Resignation, companies face critical decisions about new hiring and retention. How do you make job offers for your technical roles that will engage your new team members and instill trust in your organization? What benefits are IT candidates looking for in 2022? Let’s look at the top trends in… Read more »

Fun and Effective Customer Service Training Ideas

Employee retention and satisfaction are critical factors for onboarding. But training is also about ensuring that your employees are engaged, knowledgable, and thriving in the workplace. How should you develop your customer service training program to ensure everyone on your team has the tools they need to succeed? Here are some ways you can train… Read more »

Contact Center Trends for 2022

Call centers are an integral aspect of conducting business, but they evolve very quickly. New technologies and trends are happening every day. Today’s call centers are robust services offering a variety of connection options for customers in need of answers, information, or advice. Without embracing the future, your call center could fall behind. So, what… Read more »