Recruitment Strategies for Mortgage Professionals

In the ever-evolving mortgage industry, finding and retaining top talent is crucial for success. Effective recruitment strategies for mortgage professionals can make a significant difference in building a strong, competent team. Here are some key strategies to help you attract and retain the best mortgage professionals in the industry. Finding the right talent can be… Read more »

Social Media Madness – DFW Companies Strive To Impact Local Charities!!

Three Dallas-Fort Worth based companies, CornerStone Staffing, Mary Kay and Staff One, are striving to bring home $30,000 in donations for local charities!! CornerStone Staffing, Mary Kay  and Staff One are representing Dallas-Fort Worth in a contest called Social Madness where each company  could win a $10,000 donation for the charity of their choice. Social… Read more »

Social Madness: CornerStone Staffing is in the DFW finals

The following article was written by Bethany Peterson, a Staff Writer for the Dallas Business Journal.  This article was posted on July 2, 2013: Social Madness: The DFW finals begin After 30 days of collectively beating out nearly 60 other contestants, the final two companies in each of three categories in Social Madness will compete… Read more »

Help CornerStone Donate $1,000 to your Favorite Charity!!

CornerStone Staffing is participating in a contest called Social Madness which is sponsored by American City Business Journals.  This contest measures a company’s social media engagement on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Plus. A local winner in each of the three categories (small, medium and large) will be named on July 9th and go on… Read more »

What Does Your Email Address Say About You?

[Career Tip] What does your email address say about you? Your username might have been cute back in college but now that you are looking for a career it is time to say goodbye to in favor of Just like your appearance, resume, and speech, your email address is part of the professional… Read more »

CornerStone Staffing – Pack For A Purpose

In February, during a trip to Mexico’s beautiful Fairmont Mayakoba in Play del Carmen, CornerStone Staffing colleagues packed with a purpose. What was their purpose? To make an impact on the community they were visiting with a meaningful contribution. CornerStone Staffing worked with the Pack for a Purpose organization and identified two groups they wanted… Read more »

Simple Job Hunting Tips

Job hunting is not exactly rocket science but after you’ve been at it for a while some of the simplest things can be easily forgotten. Being creative and out of the box when it comes to searching for your next career move can make all the difference. Here are several creative but simple tips to… Read more »

Identifying High Potential Employees

How do you know when the candidate seated across from you in an interview has what it takes to succeed in your business? When making a hiring decision or choosing to promote a current employee there are some key traits that will stand out for the right candidates. Here are the 5 things that high… Read more »

How to Lose an Employers Interest Immediately

No matter what you want to believe, you are never the only candidate a company is considering for an open position. If you go in to interview you need to put your best foot forward and be professional at every step. Only then will you will have a good shot at the jobs. However, there… Read more »

Pinterest: Pin Your Way to a New Job

Pinterest has grown faster than any other stand-alone social media site in the last couple of years. Individuals are using it to share visual representations of their hobbies and interests and discover new things. Companies are also beginning to join the Pinterest band wagon. Is it possible to use this site to find a new… Read more »