When you’re interviewing for your open position, you will meet multiple people but only be able to hire one. This means there can be several well-qualified individuals who will not get the job. How you respond to them is just as important as how you make the offer to your selection. Burning bridges goes both… Read more »
Tag: Fort Worth TX Jobs
Unsure About Accepting the Position? Look at These Areas
Now that you’ve submitted your resume, attended the interview, and have received the job offer, what happens next? If you are on the fence at all about accepting this new position, there may be reasons for that. Before you say yes or sign any paperwork, it is worth taking a little time to decide. Politely… Read more »
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Want the Job? Make Yourself Accessible
Hiring managers have a very difficult job. They post an open position and hundreds of candidates may answer. Going through those resumes, the hiring manager needs to narrow down the field to a manageable number to call and discuss the job. Only a few of those will be invited for a face-to-face interview. Because of… Read more »
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Don’t Dominate The Interview
An interview is a delicate dance. The employer needs to share enough information with the candidate but not talk to hear themselves speak. The candidate needs to share their accomplishments accurately and in a way that generates continued interest but without letting their confidence turn into arrogance with the wrong statement. As a job seeker,… Read more »
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How To Discuss Your Weaknesses In An Interview
“What is your biggest weakness,” can be the single most challenging question to answer in an interview. Is it meant to be a trick question or do they want to see how sincere you’ll be? How do you know the right way to answer? Understanding the subtle ways to approach this question will help you… Read more »