Hiring managers have a very difficult job. They post an open position and hundreds of candidates may answer. Going through those resumes, the hiring manager needs to narrow down the field to a manageable number to call and discuss the job. Only a few of those will be invited for a face-to-face interview. Because of this difficult process, the hiring manager has to make decisions based on only a very few factors to rule out potential candidates. One of the biggest red flags for decision makers is the lack of contact information or difficultly finding it. You may think that this would be common sense, but it is far too common for a candidate’s contact information to be buried and impossible to find at a glance. If you want the job, here are some tips for making sure you’re easy to contact.
Create an email signature.
Since most job applications are done via email in today’s Internet age, an email signature line is the best way to ensure that your contact information is on every piece of correspondence you have with your potential employer. Include your name, email address, phone number, any other relevant information you would like someone to know. However, don’t fall into the trap of making it too cluttered.
Keep each page of your resume formatted.
When you’re creating your resume, you should always include a section with your contact information at the top of the page. It should offer some of the same information as your email signature, perhaps along with your LinkedIn profile link. The part most people forget about is additional pages. If you have a second page, create a header with just your name, email address, and phone number so if the pages get separated then they know where they belong.
Include links to important online information.
If you’ve started a blog or created an online portfolio or resume, this information should be on your email signature and your paper resume. You may also wish to call the reviewer’s attention to it in your cover letter. For instance, you can say “I encourage you to review my online portfolio at,” and include the link.
Choose a professional email address.
Lastly, another aspect that many people don’t consider is their actual email address. Recruiters will be happy to tell you anecdotes about candidates who use extremely unprofessional email addresses. Instead, opt to use some combination of your own name such as first and last or first and middle initials with your last name. There are plenty of free online email services for you to create an address just for professional purposes.
At CornerStone Staffing, we offer the flexibility of temporary work or the best path to a new full-time job. Contact our great team today to learn about jobs hiring in Irving TX and other areas.