Writing a resume is an art form. Employers do not want to see a list of your skills or the tasks you’ve performed on a daily basis. Today’s resume needs to provide more information. Focus your resume on the results of your job functions rather than daily tasks and your background will be more attractive to recruiters. Here are ideas you can use to implement this strategy on your resume.
- Use the AARQ (Ark) formula. AARQ stands for “Action, Accomplishment and Results, and Quantify.” Begin by describing the action you used to make a difference. Then relay what these actions accomplished at the end of the project or year. Finally, show the numbers and statistics that support your claim.
- Speak the company’s language. Ultimately, the hiring company is most interested in the bottom line. You need to show them that you are the right person to hire to achieve their objectives. This is best done by spelling out just the kind of success you’ve had in the past.
- Accomplishments by career. Not only do you need to quantify the results for each position but also throughout your entire career. This demonstrates that your successes weren’t just a single occasion. Anyone can “save the company money” by doing a few small things, but when you show that you have done this over the course of several jobs throughout your career you become a more desirable candidate.
- Be realistic. If you find that you are having difficulty finding specific events to showcase it is time to evaluate why this is the case. Did you simply show up to work every day, do what needed to be done, and go home? If you’re lacking the passion in your job it might be time to reconsider how you sell yourself to find a more rewarding position. Both you and your company deserve better than performing your daily duties like a robot. Evaluate your skills and accomplishments and rework them to fit a position that is better suited for you.
Looking to get feedback on your resumes and apply to great jobs? Contact CornerStone Staffing today.