
Encouraging Your Employees to be “Hackers”

“Hack Days” are an interesting new trend in technology and engineering companies. This is not hacking in the traditional sense. They don’t encourage employees to create internet viruses or find ways onto top secret government sites. The idea is to encourage employees to embrace the concept of hacking to develop new ideas for the company.… Read more »

Searching For a Job While Still Employed

Conventional wisdom says that it is easier to find a job when you have a job. It’s hard to believe this could be true, but there are many reasons why employers want to hire people who are currently working. You’ve already proven that you have value in the workforce and employers like to feel secure… Read more »

Is Your Networking Helping or Hurting Your Career?

Everyone understands that networking is a valuable tool when it comes to advancing your career. However, there is a right and a wrong way to go about it. Don’t let bad networking hurt your chance at another rung on the corporate ladder or the ability to meet people who could help you along the way. … Read more »

Understanding Generation Y

In the first decade of the 21st century, Generation Y entered the workforce in large numbers as they graduated from college and began to look for jobs. It became crucial for companies to understand these new employees so they could integrate them with the existing team of Baby Boomers and Generation X. Generation Y, also… Read more »

Clean Up Your Online Reputation

With the popularity of social media as an engine for finding jobs, job seekers should be very concerned about what a potential employer might find online. Blog posts, photographs, videos and participation in forums can stay on the internet forever. There is no undo button on the World Wide Web and occasionally job seekers will… Read more »

Let Your Employees Be Your Best Brand Advocates

Many companies have been reluctant to give their employees access to social media at work. But the fact is, much of your employees’ social networking can be a competitive advantage to your company. How? Have you ever asked your employees to act as brand evangelists, promoting the company and its products and services to friends,… Read more »

2012 Job Market Looking Good

Since 2008, the job market has been brutal, but the slow and steady climb to recovery has begun. The 2012 job market is actually looking good. A recent poll of more than 3,000 hiring managers showed that 23 percent plan to hire full-time, permanent employees in 2012, while only 16 percent plan to cut back… Read more »

Interview Answers That Will Get You The Job

During a typical job interview, you’ll be asked many questions. The key to answering them correctly? Understanding what the interviewer needs to know. Employers aren’t there to play games, trick you try to outguess you. They’re trying to assess your answers to six key questions: Do You Have the Skills to Do the Job? The… Read more »

Is Personality Important On the Job? Reasons For Cracking The Personality Code

Why do top companies like Kraft and General Mills use personality testing as part of their hiring process?  Because they want to minimize hiring mistakes, resolve conflict within the organization, build teams and retain good people when they hire them. How can personality assessments help you hire effectively, manage employees better and deal with difficult… Read more »

Are You Using Google+?

If you’re a regular visitor to the CornerStone Staffing blog, you know that social media should be an integral component of your recruiting plan. And the latest entry into the social media fray is known as Google+ (or Google Plus). A social media tool that is part of your Google account (which you may use… Read more »