Let Your Employees Be Your Best Brand Advocates

Many companies have been reluctant to give their employees access to social media at work. But the fact is, much of your employees’ social networking can be a competitive advantage to your company. How?

  • Have you ever asked your employees to act as brand evangelists, promoting the company and its products and services to friends, colleagues and family? They can engage more easily—and with more people—online.
  • Through their presence on social media sites, your employees can help with public relations, marketing and customer service. They can address complaints or issues raised by members of the online communities in which they participate. They can read about ideas and gather other intelligence that will help your company solve problems, improve customer satisfaction and adapt to changing customer needs.
  • And in the networked world, social media is dramatically changing the recruiting game. After all, birds of a feather flock together, so your engineers most likely network with other engineers, your accountants communicate with other accountants, and so on. So when a position opens up at your company, your employees will already be connected to the right people through their regular interactions with colleagues at other companies.

Let Them Network

The networked generation is assuming management roles. They’re making increasingly consequential business decisions. And being connected to their networks is as natural to this demographic as using the telephone is to older generations.

So how can you turn this new workplace reality to your advantage?

  • Ensure policies are in place and well communicated, spelling out employee obligations and accountabilities when they’re engaging in social media at work. Nobody should ever be surprised when someone is disciplined for violating guidelines.
  • Improve business literacy in your organization so employees are well-equipped to talk about the company. They may not be official spokespersons issuing statements of record, but they can still represent the organization well and drive sales and customer loyalty through their normal, day-to-day interactions.
  • Offer training on social media so employees know the right way to use it

Providing employees with access to social media at work—and proper guidance in how to use it—will increasingly become a success factor for organizations. Implement it now to get a jumpstart on your competitors!

Looking to hire more members of the networked generation? Contact CornerStone Staffing for assistance!

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