Do you listen to podcasts? These streaming radio shows, sometimes professional and sometimes amateur, gain in popularity year after year. They can be on any topic from light-hearted comedy to gritty true crime. Some are fiction, some are not. No matter what you’re looking for, you can find a podcast to enjoy. But are you looking for motivation to keep you on track in 2019? Podcasts are a great way to tap into that. Here are some ideas to listen to on your commute or while you’re working to keep you engaged and give you ideas.
The Daily Boost
Host Scott Smith has been doing this for a long time, and it shows. The Daily Boost is a motivational podcast to help those who aren’t sure what steps they should be taking next. It gives people practical tips, the drive to improve, and has a humorous and straight-to-the-point tone.
The Accidental Creative
For some people, it’s that creative spark that needs a little push. Todd Henry, the author of several books on the subject, hosts this show and interviews artists, business leaders, and more to share their stories, too. The show’s aim is to provide creative tips that work in real life, no matter what industry you’re in.
Beyond the To Do List
Erik Fisher takes the podcast to the next level by sharing ways that you can not only motivate yourself but also avoid burnout in your career. In this interview series, you will learn how others manage their time and prioritize their tasks to avoid burnout and boost their motivation.
Getting Things Done
GTD is a motivational system to help you stay on track and organized. The Podcast is a natural extension of that where host David Allen talks to others on the GTD path about their experiences. This app can help you launch your participation in the GTD program as you learn about it from real people who use it.
The Productivity Show
With a focus on personal wellbeing and work/life balance, the mission of The Productivity Show is to encourage listeners to get things done without sacrificing relationships and personal interests. Listening to this will give you tips to saving time and becoming more productive.
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Are you looking for more ideas to help you stay motivated in 2019? Contact the team at CornerStone Staffing, now hiring for jobs in Dallas TX.