This winter was long and cold for people all over the country, even here in Texas. But now summer offers its own challenges when it comes to motivating employees at work. During these hot, lazy summer days your employees are thinking about anything but the work at hand. How do you keep your employees on track during these hot summer days? Here are a few tips.
- Flexible summer schedule. Your employees want to enjoy the beautiful weather and spend time with their families who are out of school. Summer hours can give you an opportunity to allow your employees more flexibility. This new schedule doesn’t have to impact your production if you design the program with your specific business in mind. You may close early on Fridays, offer the opportunity to work 4 10-hour days, or provide work from home options.
- Take lunch outside. Use the weather as an excuse to give your team a social break in the middle of the day. Host a picnic or barbeque once a week. You can even incorporate games or activities to get people active. If you can’t coordinate something like this, offer an outdoor space that your team can take advantage of during their lunch breaks.
- Celebrate at a summer party. A weekend summer getaway for your team and their spouses can help reinvigorate your staff and keep them engaged. It gives them an activity to look forward to in the days leading up to the event. Plan some fun activities but also allow time for relaxing and enjoying the company of coworkers in a non-office setting.
- Surprise events. A really great way to engage your team is to do the unexpected. Without letting anyone know, invite a massage therapist in for the day. Host a 4 o’clock cocktail party on Friday afternoon. Have contests for prizes like movie tickets or gift cards from local restaurants. Award silly prizes for random things like best parking job or most decorated cube.
Are you looking for creative ways to motivate your team in the summer? Contact CornerStone Staffing Temp Agencies in Dallas TX to learn more!