What is the root cause of mistakes and low productivity in the workplace? Motivation is essential for a workplace to maintain quality standards. But it also affects every part of the employee experience. If employees are happy and engaged in the work they do, they’re more likely to be loyal and excited about working with your company. Here are a few things your management team can do to motivate and inspire your employees.
Ditch The Techniques
As managers, we’re often inundated with several management “techniques.” These are supposedly tried-and-true ways to manage employees better and more effectively. Something happens every time you try a new technique with your employees. They may fight the process and don’t feel your motivation is authentic. Instead, be authentic. Give praise when praise is due and tap into your natural ability to lead to motivate your team.
Lead by Example
Leadership is a privilege, and there are many bad bosses out there that abuse the power dynamic in the office. Instead, lead by example. Show your employees how you expect them to conduct themselves as representatives of the company because of how you handle yourself. Don’t break the rules, live up to your expectations, and exemplify the company values.
Encourage Development
Several surveys of incoming employees over the last several years indicated that career development is a massive factor in accepting a position. As a manager, you can provide one-on-one mentorship and coaching, and resources through your company for advanced education or training.
Ask Questions
To better understand what it is your employees want, don’t forget to ask questions. You don’t have to assume you know the answers. Be clear and direct and find out from the source what your employees need to feel more motivated on the job. When you get their feedback, take steps to make improvements.
Make Work More Fun
Finally, of course, one factor that can help with employee motivation is to make the workplace more fun. This doesn’t mean gimmicky ideas necessarily, though those can be fun if everyone is interested. But you can plan events that bring the team together to encourage them to get to know one another and enjoy their workplace.
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