Are you missing out on finding local jobs by not joining Facebook groups? Sure, you’re probably using Craigslist and social media, but are you using Facebook Groups to reach out to potential employers in your community? Facebook groups have risen in popularity over the last few years and many cities and towns now have their very own Facebook groups to connect people from all over the area. So how do you find and use these groups to help you find your next job? Here’s how.
How to find local groups.
The first step is to search Facebook for local groups so you can begin to determine which will be a good fit for you to join. Start by typing your city name in the search bar at the top of Facebook. It will pull up multiple results, so click on “groups” along the top. Next, scroll through and look for ones that have a lot of members and would be a fit for the type of work you do. For example, many Buy, Sell, Trade groups have grown to encompass all area topics and would be a good choice. But a group that’s specific to an interest, like cats, may not be right for you.
How to join local groups.
When you join, make sure you’re Facebook profile is something you don’t mind being seen by local employers. Lock down your security settings and make sure your profile photo is appropriate. Some groups may have a short questionnaire to join. Be honest in your answers or you may risk being thrown out in the future. Once you’ve joined, it’s time to start interacting.
How to post in local groups.
You can certainly use the group to let the community know that you’re currently in the market for a job, but the sweet spot is to interact with local employers and watch for potential opportunities. When you do post, make sure that you are being useful. Even if you’re adding information about a yard sale or sharing about a lost dog that you found, keep professionalism in mind.
How to communicate in local groups.
Keep in mind that groups are a great resource, but they can also be a huge time suck and can quickly devolve into online shouting matches. Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in local drama or politics on these boards. Recognize that people are likely to respond to anything you post with unrelated criticism. Don’t ignore things that could be challenging to your professional identity, but don’t specifically engage if it isn’t appropriate.
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