Sending your resume to faceless postings through major online job boards or social media can seem like dropping it into a never ending black hole. Even though you know that your skills are a perfect match for the company, you researched their business, and customized your resume, you never know what happens to it after it is received. This doesn’t have to be the case. Here are the answers to three important questions to ask about following up on your resume submission which can set you apart as a candidate for the job.
- How long before you follow up? It is important that you respect the hiring managers time if you hope to receive the same level of respect from them. It is customary to follow up one to two weeks after you submitted your resume. This gives the reviewer time to go through the applicants and begin to consider the net step of interviewing.
- Is there a better time of day? The answer to this question is most definitely yes. Pick the phone up to make that call in the morning before lunchtime. This will give you the opportunity to connect with the hiring manager before they become busy with other tasks that they must complete before the end of the day.
- What do you say? Many candidates simply ask if their resume was received but this is exactly the wrong question. What you really want to know is what they thought of it. That phone call is all about networking so it is time to make a connection and distinguish yourself from your competition. Use the information you’ve gathered from researching the company to share your specific skills and how you can be a benefit for the company. Read the company newsletter and follow them on social media to gain as much insight as possible. Then when you contact the hiring manager strike up a conversation about the job requirements and how you believe you can benefit the company.
Are you looking for more advice to help push your job search to the next level? If you are looking for one of the top temp agencies in Arlington TX, contact the experts at Cornerstone today.