Can working with a recruiter give you an advantage when looking for your next job? There are plenty of reasons to consider a recruiter for temporary jobs and temp-to-hire opportunities, but it’s helpful to see more details to give you some insight. Before you apply for your next job, consider reaching out to recruiters in Dallas, Fort Worth & Phoenix to see what they’re working on and how you can become their go-to candidate for open positions.
How do Recruiters Help Candidates with their Job Search?
There has been a lot of misinformation over the years about how recruiters and staffing agencies work. Knowing the truth and why recruiters are a valuable resource for you and your job search is essential. For example, did you know that staffing agencies don’t charge a fee for applicants? They work with hiring companies to find top talent, and you are placed on the job at the quoted salary. A recruiter will help you throughout the process by discussing your interests and skills and submitting your resume to jobs and companies that match. A recruiter has connections with careers in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Phoenix to assist you in finding a fantastic company to meet your long-term goals.
Here are six reasons to use a recruiter in Phoenix to land a job.
1. Recruiters Have Access to Unlisted Jobs
Recruiters are professionals who work with both candidates and client companies. Their job is to build relationships with every aspect of employment and work on matching the right candidate to the right position.
Recruiters develop close relationships with hiring managers, which means they’ll have an insider’s advantage for many jobs that aren’t listed online. So, when you apply with a staffing agency, you’re expanding your search beyond opportunities you could find on your own.
Contact a local staffing agency to take advantage of this and discuss your interests with the recruiter. They can assist with finding careers in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Phoenix that matches your skillset and long-term goals.
2. Recruiters Help You Prepare for the Interview
Your recruiter is an employment specialist. They have years of experience working with candidates and improving resumes. Once they identify a position that matches you, they’ll submit your resume and then work with you to put your best foot forward.
Before your interview, they’ll talk to you about the job, the company culture, who you will be meeting with, what to wear and bring to the interview, and directions to the location or information on using their video conferencing tool. This will give you peace of mind that you understand each step of the process and can focus on presenting yourself as a great candidate.
They will also be able to provide helpful interview tips and tricks. For example, they might suggest questions you can ask the interviewer or how to send a thank you note after your meeting.
After your interview, they will also follow up with you to see how you feel about it. Then they’ll be able to provide you feedback from the client company and what happens next.
3. Help Build Confidence
It’s natural to get nervous during the job hunt process. With so much uncertainty and the lack of control over the outcomes, anxiety and stress can creep in. But your recruiter can be your cheerleader. They’ve been here before and wouldn’t represent you if they didn’t believe in you as a candidate.
They can reassure you that you’re doing a great job, follow up with necessary updates, and provide alternatives when things change. They want you to succeed and will help ensure you’re up to the challenge, no matter how nervous you feel.
4. Recruiters will Save You Time and Energy
Job hunting is a full-time job. You can use the whole workday to search for a new position if you’re unemployed. If you’re searching while working, it can be even more challenging. That’s why it’s essential to work smarter, not harder.
Working with recruiters in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Phoenix can cut your workload in half. They submit your resume, discuss your background with their clients, and schedule your interviews. They will do all the following up and reporting. They will even work with you during onboarding once you’re offered a position.
5. Candidates Remain in the Job Search Database
When you look at the numbers, hiring is a challenging prospect. If there is one open job and ten great candidates, the company can only hire one. That means you won’t get every job. But working with a staffing agency will still give you an advantage. Why? Because you remain in the recruiter’s database, they will remember you for future opportunities.
Recruiters in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Phoenix will always go to bat for someone they believe is a great candidate. As they receive new opportunities from their client companies, they will review your resume and submit you again because they want to see you get the job you deserve.
6. A Recruiter’s Goal is to Place Candidates
In the recruiting world, your goal is the same as the staffing agency. You want and need a job, and that’s what the recruiter also wants. Recruiters only get paid by their client companies when they make successful placements, so they will fight for great candidates like you to land a position every time.
And remember, recruiters, don’t take a cut of your salary. The salary you get is what you negotiate and deserve. But they do get a percentage of your salary as a fee from the client, so they’re going to advocate for you to get the best deal possible and work with you to ensure the offer is fair.
Want to Advance your Career in Phoenix? Partner with a Recruiter in Dallas, Fort Worth & Phoenix to find your next job-Fast!
Do you want to work with recruiters in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Phoenix? CornerStone Staffing works with candidates to find great opportunities that match their skills and interests. Find temporary jobs and temp-to-hire roles depending on your needs and flexibility.
CornerStone Staffing is your recruitment partner to help you find careers in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Phoenix.
Looking for a job? Search and apply here.