Contact Center Trends for 2022

Call centers are an integral aspect of conducting business, but they evolve very quickly. New technologies and trends are happening every day. Today’s call centers are robust services offering a variety of connection options for customers in need of answers, information, or advice. Without embracing the future, your call center could fall behind. So, what can you expect in your contact center in 2022? Here is what you need to know to say ahead of your competition.

Hybrid Work Environments

Before the pandemic, the customer service industry had already embraced remote work. That trend is expected to continue with many contact centers offering a hybrid approach. Work from home will remain standard for many employees, which benefits employers through increased flexibility and lower costs. But some team members prefer office environments, which is why keeping some office space will also continue.

Customer Convenience is Top Priority

Throughout the pandemic, consumer habits changed. While many of the tools we now take for granted were already in place, the need to stay home led to more people embracing the convenience of online shopping, apps, and more. The same is true for customer service. Consumers want contact to be easy for them, and they’re more likely to engage when the experience is convenient.

More Digital Communication Options

To that end, contact centers now embrace multiple forms of contact. Gone are the entirely traditional call centers with banks of phones and consumers calling in for answers to their questions. Now, more people are embracing chat and SMS communications. While some people still love the phone options, companies need to offer a variety of ways to connect.

The Drive for Self-Service

Another exciting trend, led by Apple, is the drive for self-service. For a long time, Apple products like the iPhone could only be serviced by professionals. But demand for self-service options has increased, and apple is embracing the idea that they can provide the information to customers to solve the problems on their own.


How can you take your contact center to the next level with a great team? Call CornerStone Staffing today to see how we can help.

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