Marketing Resume Red Flags

Sales and marketing both require a certain level of confidence, ability to make sales, and some bravado, but where does the line get crossed between superstar talent and B.S. artist? When you’re hiring a marketing professional you want to know if your new hire will be able to live up to their resume or if what they’ve suggested they can do is all flash with little substance. Here are a few things to look for in a marketing resume to keep you from making a bad investment.

  • The employment dates just don’t make sense. When dates of employment are not included on a resume there may be valid reasons but more often than not the candidate is trying to hide or cover up something in their experience. Pay attention to extreme gaps, wrong dates, and trouble remembering when or where they accomplished a certain task or activity.
  • Their responsibilities have decreased with new jobs. With very few exceptions, a candidate who has taken a significant demotion with a job change may have some challenges in their background. Often it was because they weren’t able to hold their own with the increased responsibilities of the job and had to scale back. Their previous employer may have terminated them because they were unable to meet the goals.
  • Their resume is all over the place and not focused. A resume should be geared toward the job the potential employee wants the most. You shouldn’t have to guess while you’re reading it. Especially for a marketing candidate they should have the skills to be precise and sell their experience to you for the job. If their resume isn’t a concise marketing document, there may be some concerns about their skills as a marketer.
  • They can’t back up their accomplishments with data. The biggest trend in resume writing today is to include accomplishments rather than just a list of duties. This is great because it can give a resume reviewer a bigger picture of how the candidate works. However, accomplishments mean little without the data to back it up. If there are no numbers or specific examples it may be an example of exaggeration or worse.

Are you seeking a marketing candidate for your company? CornerStone Staffing Agencies in DFW, TX can help today!

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