Parents Survival Guide: Balancing Work & Life When Kids are Back in School

The school year is here in many places around the country. And after such as tumultuous time last school year, many parents face the 2021/22 school year with high anxiety. So how can working parents manage their kids’ school and their career demands? Here are a few things you may want to consider as your children head back to the classroom this year.

Make a Schedule

The key to surviving back to school is to create a comprehensive calendar and live by it. You can break it into various categories, including your workday, your children’s school schedule, and after-hours activities. Don’t forget to add in time for shared family meals or recreation. You can use a digital calendar or keep it old-school with a hand-written planner.

Take a Break

With everything going on, you’ll need to plan for breaks regularly. Set aside time every week where you and your family aren’t doing anything but spending time together. That can take any form from walking in a park to cooking a meal together. Also, plan a vacation in the future to give everyone something to look forward to.

Ask for Help

It’s important to know that you don’t have to do this alone. Ask for help when you need it. People close to you may be able to help with aspects of childcare or other resources. Talk to your employer about flexible schedules so you can take kids to school, pick them up in the afternoon, and not stress over appointments or emergencies. And don’t discount the benefit of talking with a therapist to help you sort through feelings during the transition.

Work with Temporary Staffing

One way to balance work with home life is to apply with a temporary staffing service to take on assignments when you have availability. Many people work with staffing firms in Arizona and Dallas to help them supplement income and have flexibility in their schedules. Temporary work can include short-term assignments lasting a day or a week at a time or more project-based work intended to last for several months.

Are you looking for a better work/life balance in your career? The team at CornerStone Staffing can help, so call today.


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