The entire working world turned upside down in early 2020. Companies that never dreamed of providing remote work had to pivot quickly, and many employees now find that work-from-home is what they prefer. While you may enjoy working from home, being in person has some benefits. More companies are expecting workers to return to the office, which could be good news for some careers. Here are a few things to consider when looking for your next job.
Professional Relationships
It sounds unfair because it is, but being in the workplace is the single best way to build professional relationships with your management and C-Suite teams. When you are seen, you’re recognized. While the response may be unconscious by managers, they tend to give preferential treatment to the workers who come into the office.
Collaboration with Colleagues
There is also a benefit to working directly with your coworkers rather than virtually or asynchronously. Collaboration is a creative process. You’re likely to develop more innovative solutions to complex problems when you can brainstorm together. You also have the added benefits of work socialization, which can build valuable relationships for many people.
Increased Productivity
Some people thrive in a workplace environment. While work-from-home can be very productive, you must have clear boundaries and avoid distractions. Working in the office gives others a chance to be more effective with daily access to resources, coworkers, and the management team.
Overall Personal Wellbeing
The way you interact with work can also affect your health. For some people, the stress that comes from having less structure can increase feelings of anxiety and burnout. And depending on the work-from-home arrangements you have, separating personal life from work can be difficult if your office is set up in your bedroom or living space.
Are you ready to get back into the office? Call CornerStone Staffing to see what we’re working on today.