Managing Your Mobile Employees

The mobile workforce movement is a global phenomenon and it is currently estimated that 1.3 billion people already taking advantage of the change in company dynamics. As more and more people leave the corporate office for their home office the real challenge falls to management. A manager’s very job is to oversee employees but if no one is in the centralized office this can prove challenging. Here are some ideas for managing mobile employees.

  • Engagement. Each specific manager will have to approach remote workers a little differently. Is the work that needs to be done more structured? Is it more conceptual? The best way to keep a handle on the work and whether or not each team member is holding up their end of the bargain is to meet with them regularly. Large companies often do this by organizing in person meetings around the country or even the world. If this isn’t possible consider engaging your team with online technology such as Skype or Google+ Hangouts which can allow you to have a face to face meeting without being in the same space.
  • Establish the expectations and goals. Without some level of structure most employees will become disengaged. Give them the tools they need to succeed in your virtual environment. Many companies refer to this as “results oriented.” In this case it doesn’t matter how many hours in a day it takes to do a project so long as the end result is successful. Measure the progress of the team by evaluating the results.
  • Support a flexible workplace. Offer your remote employees an option to be part of a corporate office. IBM is a great example of this type of implementation. Much of their 300,000+ workforce is remote but they offer corporate centers in most major cities so employees can take advantage of their structure when needed. There are many ways to implement this depending on the size of your organization. Many cities have business centers set up like corporate coffee shops that run through memberships. Consider purchasing a membership in the cities where your remote employees live to provide an option to work.
  • Make connections. Meetings do matter and the best ones bring together the right decision makers for any given project. As a manager, you are in the best position to understand the specific talents of your group so you can make connections between the right team members to get the work done the best way possible. Also, encourage anyone on your team from the same area to connect socially. This creates a bond that makes them more willing to work together professionally.

Are you looking for the best ways to manage your remote employees? For more staffing services in Fort Worth Texas, contact the team at CornerStone Staffing to see how we can help you! 

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