Email and Text Rules for Temp Employees

Temporary employees are not exempt from general employment rules of conduct. Some situations that may be considered common sense suddenly become complicated due to the short-term nature of the job. While on a temp assignment how are you supposed to handle phone use, texts, and emails? Here are a few professional tips for your next temporary job.

  1. The time to accept. A good rule of thumb for employees is to never take time away from your workday to answer or to send a text. While you are clocked in on the job you should be devoting your time to your duties, not to personal matters. Save your texting for lunch hours or your break and try to answer texts while you’re away from your desk.
  2. Never in a meeting. It is also a generally accepted practice that phones should never be answered in any way during a meeting. This is extremely unprofessional. Leave it at your desk or in another secure location. Many people feel like this does not apply to texts, but it does.
  3. Navigating emergencies. In spite of these rules, emergencies do happen and companies are understanding. If you are expecting an important phone call or text let your supervisor know so you can step away and answer it when it comes in. Their awareness will counter any violation of policies and procedures. Of course it is equally as important not to take advantage of this.
  4. Internet and email. Company computers should never be used to access your personal email or social media. You may be allowed to access these things while on a break but be sure to follow the rules. To be safe you may want to wait to access your personal media until you get home.
  5. Company emails. Especially on a short-term assignment you should never use a company email address for personal purposes. Emails through the company network belong to the company and you have no control of the use. Companies will also monitor the use. If you have access to corporate email keep it limited to business purposes.

Do you have additional questions about proper behavior on a temp job? Contact Cornerstone Staffing, offering jobs in Fort Worth TX, to learn more!

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