How do You List Your Second Language on Your Resume?

Bilingual professionals are in demand right now. Having bilingual or multilingual employees benefits both the company and the customer base, especially in customer service. But how do you promote your language skills on your resume? There are a few ways you can highlight your background. Here are the details for where, when, and how to… Read more »

Reentering the Workforce? Don’t Make these Mistakes

There are so many reasons someone might leave the workforce and decide to return again in the future. Regardless of why, if you’re in that position, there may be a few things you don’t realize you’re doing wrong. Even the smallest mistakes can snowball before you’re able to course correct, so to avoid these issues… Read more »

Show One Simple Thing to Help Employee Motivation

Encouraging your staff to perform at the top of their abilities isn’t as difficult as many online resources make it seem. Most employees are actively engaged in their job, and if they’re not, pushing them harder won’t solve the problem. Instead, working with their natural desire to do a good job and encouraging the hardest… Read more »